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Humanizing AI: 

Technology for Tyranny and Liberation

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How Emerging Technologies are changing everything, to the benefit of whom, and for what ultimate purpose?

The Tech Sector holds the world’s largest and most valuable companies. These are first to get to leverage emerging technology, building upon their experience with data, algorithms, and machine learning.

This creates an enormous amount of power in the hands of this organizations, greater than many governments. This is especially the case where state intelligence services and big tech interface. They are increasingly intertwined and co-dependent.

We stand at a pivotal moment in history. Our actions in this time will decide our future, whether it’s a kind future that rewards fairness and respects dignity, or a darker one of insidious oppression. This TV series and companion book educates the reader in the present capabilities, the emerging possibilities, and the future eventualities of these transformative times.


Coming Soon – Release Date TBC.

Dedicated website coming soon also.


Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks (O'Reilly Media)

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) enable very powerful deep learning based techniques for processing, generating, and sensemaking of visual information.  This course offers an in-depth examination of CNNs, their fundamental processes, their applications, and their role in visualization and image enhancement. 

  • Discover the connections between CNNs and the biological principles of vision

  • Understand the advantages and trade-offs of various CNN architectures

  • Survey the history and evolution of CNN's on-going development

  • Learn to apply the latest GAN, style transfer, and semantic segmentation techniques

  • Explore CNN applications, visualization, and image enhancement

Coursera Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist (3 courses)

Be an Ethical Leader in Data-Driven Technologies. Master strategies to put ethics into practice in data-driven technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and IOT.

IEEE AI Ethics Standards Series (2 courses)

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In this course, a variety of elements are reviewed that can support or detract from achieving a goal of transparency at an organizational level. Ethical systems cannot be created in isolation of the organizational structures of the people creating them. Therefore, the elements that relate to organizational transparency are at least as important as those within technical systems. The course includes the various factors that relate to transparency in organizations, minor differences that may lead to major differences in outcomes, and practical steps towards implementing more consistent and rigorous ethical organizational standards.

Factors that relate to transparency in systems, the difference in outcomes that those factors can create, as well as practical techniques that can be applied to encourage a greater quality of transparency in consistent and rigorous ethical systems are explored in this course. Topics include factors that tend to drive or inhibit the quality of transparency in systems, small differences that may lead to major differences over time, and practical steps towards implementing more consistent and rigorous ethical systems.

book Contributions

Patents (Granted, active)

A method of generating three dimensional body data of a subject is described. The method includes capturing one or more images of the subject using a digital imaging device and generating three dimensional body data of the subject based on the one or more images.

These core technologies, built upon machine learning and deep learning techniques, enable the Poikos/QuantaCorp/BodiData body measurement platform, which I co-founded.


  • US63/107,144

We construct a Restricted Boltzmann Machine using the principle of maximum entropy and Shannon entropy as the cost function in the optimization problem. We demonstrate that the problem of optimization of entropy in RBM can be described as the Inverse Ising problem and that the optimal values of coefficients for the RBM are identical to the parameters in the Hamiltonian of the Ising model. We also show that real physical variables, such as magnetization and susceptibility, obtained using our RBM are in good correspondence to results from analytical or numerical methods.

These results suggest that RBM neural networks using the principle of maximum entropy can be applied to modeling physical systems which can be described by discrete states, including fundamental quantum physics such as topological systems, and biological systems such as the correlated spiking of neurons.

An original quantum machine learning technology that is applicable to optimizing a wide range of physical, biological, and artificial intelligence systems, classical and quantum, as well as modeling complex interactions between them.

Editor roles